How to solve some screen resolution problems when upgrading the kernel on Ubuntu!

Today, in our Linux Page (in Spanish) we added a brief, elemental guide to fix a particular inconvenience that sometimes happens with new kernel versions on Ubuntu. In fact, every time I decide to upgrade the kernel I have big problems with my graphic card (NVidia) and when rebooting I am not able to see my screen. I think that one of the possible problems is the AWN (a -MAC style- bar) I have installed on my PC. After many wasted hours trying to fix this matter I find a very fast solution. I start my Ubuntu 8.04 in the safe mode (sometimes using the previous kernel version) and I launch EnvyNG (Applications – System Tools – EnvyNG) to automatically reconfigure my video card. I know that probably this is not the most advanced way to fix my kernel problem but you can believe that it is very fast and effective. Try it if necessary! AddThis mp3 link

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